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First Presbyterian Church


Churches/Religious Organization

About Us

In the heart of downtown Coeur d'Alene, First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) is a growing and exciting church dedicated to changing lives. We are mission focused and participate in community charities like ''Family Promise.'' We host a food kitchen every Thursday which is free for the community.

Our worship is a blend of contemporary and traditional, with two Sunday morning services.

Video Media


Cleaning up Tubbs Hill on a Sunday morning
Pastor Craig
Bell Choir members relax between services
Pastor Craig baptises one of our youth
The choir shares their music
Some of the youth share their music on Sunday morning
Member Tim Lowry donates concrete to repair the church sidewalk
One of our ''small'' groups
Glory Be Learning Center tots go for a walk
Welcome to 1stPres
Honoring our church administrator
Pastor Craig
Having fun at a women's meeting
Woody Hurst entertains the ladies with his music
Sunday morning fellowship
One of our young adults helps spruce up the building
Todd Robinson leads music when he's in town
Pastor Craig tells a joke during worship
Some of the church staff enjoy lunch at the Resort Golf Course
Fellowship after church
Helping clean up Tubbs Hill
Another helper for Tubbs HIll clean up
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A children's message time on Sunday morning
Prayer in worship
Some of the youth enjoy a great summer day
The children hear a story on Sunday morning from youth Brynna Sumey